Monday 3 December 2012

Production Company - Deciding on Name & Logo...

 We were given the task of creating an original Production Company name and logo for our main film. We decided to go with a British theme as most production companies are based in America. Firstly we did some online research on the type Genre that the main Production Company's produce to give us an idea of what name would suit our chosen Genre, and it helped us to decide on the Genre of the film, the three Production Company's that we looked at were - Universal Studios, Columbia Pictures, Sony Pictures and Tri-Star Pictures. Each production company had a vast range of Genre. We came up with several names, some of which sounded similar to companies such as the BAFTA's. 

These are the ideas we came up with, we did a mind map of names and logo designs, some of the names we came up with were; 'The British Film Academy' which sounded similar the the BAFTA's, 'Crown Productions' because we thought that Crowns are a British thing, 'Thames Productions' but I think that already exists so we didn't go with that idea. We eventually came up with the name ' Three Lions Productions' as we thought that lions are a British symbol, they are on the British emblem. 

There is also a photo of the images I found of lions on the internet. I found these so we had an idea of what to base the image on, basically it was part of our research into production company logos.

Once we came up with the name, we had to come up with a logo, we decided to have three lions on the logo, and decided to have two side on lions with a face on lion in the middle, we chose an ye olde English font to emphasise the British theme, and we chose to have a silvery coloured background with the lions silhouetted...

This is the final design for our Production Company. We think the colours go really well, and that the font really adds that element of British - ism within it.
We like it a lot and we think it's really original.