Thursday 28 February 2013


For our main music, we decided enlist the help of some A-Level music students. We told them what sort of music we wanted which was a fast, guitar, drum & bass piece for the beginning of the opening, and for the end, a sad but short piano piece. Once we heard the finished pieces, we knew they would definitely work with our shots. We faded the first piece of music out just before the three gunshots, it the goes silent, dialogue then starts, piano music fades in once dialogue ends, and fades out at the end, here are the two pieces of music: 

Guitar/Drum/Base Music...

This is the first piece we wanted. We liked the fact that it was fast, and that you could imagine it playing in a major action film. When we placed on top of the shots, we found that we had to make it slightly longer, but it did match with the shots on screen, and gave it that little boost. It really does create that mysterious impact, it causes the audience to ask themselves; Who is this person? Where is he going? & What's going to happen? It fits really well with our chosen genre which was Action/Thriller, and we are really pleased with the results.

Piano Music...

This is the second piece we wanted. When we first heard it, we thought it sounded okay, but after a few listens, we then thought maybe it didn't sound quite right. We thought that we should put it in the opening, and then see what it sounds and looks like. I think it sounds okay, it sort of matches the shots and what's going on, but it's a group decision and we will see whether or not we should keep it or change it. I have shown the first finished edit with the music to a family member, and they think it suits the scenes, they were happy with it, but we shall see. It's not happy, but it's not too depressing either.


Now that our prep work is finished, and we now know how it's going to look, we have decided to start filming. For one of our scenes, we needed a kitchen setting, so what we did was we used our Common Room, but used to sink and cupboards, we kept them in shot, but not the rest of the room. We moved a table and two chairs in front of the cupboards, and thus creating a simple kitchen scene. The rest of the shots were easy to film, and did not require too much adjusting in the setting aspect. 

We have a few more shots to film, we need to work out how we are going to do it, seeing as we need a child to feature in the scene. We may have to ask the younger years, possibly a drama group. Apart from that shot, all the others have been quite easy to film. Now we need to think about the editing...