Monday 21 January 2013

Main Film Project - Film Title Research...

In preparation for our main film project, we had to research film titles for our film. We had already decided on a film title, but we thought it best just to research some within our chosen genre. We got given 6 film titles to research, and this is what we found out:

Return of the Jedi - Heavy secrecy surrounded the production and the film was given a fake title 'Blue Harvest'. It was, at one point called 'Revenge of the Jedi' but it was later discovered that Jedi's don't take or get revenge and was therefore renamed 'Return of the Jedi'.

Licence to Kill - This was the first of the Bond films to not use the original title of the book by Ian Fleming. It was originally called 'Licence Revoked' in line with the plot, but later changed to 'Licence to Kill' during post production.

Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone - It was originally called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone as the Americans didn't know philosopher meant. Also changed in Pakistan, Sri Lanka & India.

The Quantum of Solace - Promotional book series used 9 of the James Bond stories. Solace means to find comfort, named after Dominic Greens organisation from the film.

Zero Dark Thirty - Originally called 'For God and Country' but got changed as it received criticism, it made murder seem like a righteous act. Zero Dark Thirty is a military term meaning thirty minutes after midnight. It also refers to the darkness and secrecy that cloaked the decade - long mission.

Silver Linings Playbook - It kept the same name as the book it was based on and is also known as 'Happiness Therapy' in France. 

We also looked at film titles from within our chosen genre, action/thriller;

These titles basically outline what the film is about:

Taken & Abduction

Man on a Ledge 

Safe House

These titles basically outline who the main characters are:

The Dark Knight Rises


The Paper Boy

The Expendables

We now have an idea as to what the typical action film title is, and after we did the research and fed back to the group, we were still happy with our original decision with 'Loan Shark'. It's simple, short, memorable and shows who the main characters/villains are and relates to the plot of the film.