Sunday 30 December 2012

Film Opening Analysis...

For research into film openings, I am going to look at two film openings in the same genre as mine, and see what I like, what is effective, and what we could use for our film opening. The two films I am going to be talking about are 'James Bond: Casino Royale' and 'Goodfellas'...

'James Bond - Casino Royale'...

I chose this film opening as it's very action/thriller. I like the black ad white contrast, and the shot's used. I like the fact that it has a small opening before the actual credits, I think it's very effective as it set's up the rest of the film. The opening credits are then quite long, this allows the audience to process what has happened in the opening scenes, and to prepare themselves for what is to come.

  • The black and white colouring of the opening is similar to what we did for our preliminary filming task, it adds mystery to the scene, we can't see all of the detail, and we can just make out the faces, this is a good technique as it slowly introduces the film to the audience and the characters as well.
  • The pace is good, it's fast and yet easy to follow, this is good as the audience won't get lost within the storyline, and they won't get confused, pace is very important in action films, as it can't be too slow, and it can't be too fast, it has to be right, and this film opening has the perfect pace.
  • There were a lot of shots used, like for example wide shots, low angles, and close ups. These are used specifically to either introduce locations, key characters and to follow the action, such as the bathroom scene, and the scene where one of the key characters is walking towards his office. There were also quick cuts to match the pace of the action, and the music. 
  • The music started off quiet and eerie, started to build up to signify that something is about to happen, then quietened down to allow the audience to hear the dialogue between the two key characters of the opening scene, then built up as the theme song began playing.
  • Overall I think that this is a good example to use as it shows all of the typical conventions of an action/thriller movie opening, such as the built music, fast pace, quick cuts, multiple close ups etc.  There are many aspects of this opening that I think would look just as good in our film opening, such as the monochrome effect and the music. 


I chose this film opening, as I thought the narration in the beginning was very effective and could be something that we can use in our project. Again this is a very action/thriller movie, and has a similar sort of feel to what our idea has, such as the gangsters being similar to the kidnapper/loan sharks in our movie idea. 

  • There's no background music until the credits start, this is probably to draw the audience's attention to the banging sounds coming from the car, to signify something is going to happen. It also allows the audience to be able to hear the dialogue.
  • There is narration near the end of the opening, this is a good technique as it introduces the key character to the audience without taking away from the action. It creates a sense of direct mode of address with the audience.
  • Again, as with 'Casino Royale', there are a lot of quick cuts, this is to create tension and to slightly match the pace of the opening.
  • Close ups are used, and wide shots, to introduce key characters, locations, and props, in this case the car. 
  • Overall, this isn't as effective as the 'Casino Royale' opening, but the narration is an effective technique, and I think we could also use this in our film opening, I think it's a good technique to use, and I think the lack of music may also be a good technique to use as it draws the audience's attention to what is going on on-screen rather than what song is playing or what the music is like.