Monday 11 February 2013

Risk Assessment...

Three Lions Productions
Risk Assessment for the production of 'Loan Shark'

Measurement of Risk:
1. A scratch or a cut
2. An illness or injury that lasts up to three days
3. Broken bone
4. Amputation
5. Death

Risk Assessment:

Those at Risk
Existing control measures
Evaluate the Risk

     Improvement on control measures
    Measurement of Risk
      Low levels of light
     The whole film           crew
       Lampposts and classroom lights
      The main risk here is the fact the someone might not see something and then trip over/bump into it
      An improvement on the safety control measures would be for everyone to have a torch or that all filming is done during the day
     The most that this risk could give someone is a level 3 injury as someone could trip over something.               
      The equipment being used
      The whole film crew
      All wires are out of the     way were no one can trip over them
      The main risk here is that someone trips over the tripod
     An improvement could be that everyone gets a briefing over the equipment being used and how to act around it
     The measurement of risk would again be a level 3 as someone could fall over and fracture their arm on the equipment      
      The Cold
    The whole film crew
       Make sure everyone is kept warm
        The main risk is that someone gets ill
      Make sure everyone has their coats and is wearing something warm
     The most extreme circumstance would be someone gets frost bite and has to have an amputation but, realistically the main risk is that someone gets a cold so a level 3.


This is the basic script for our film opening, we kept the dialogue short as we only have about 2 minutes.

Loan Shark
Three LionsProductions

Graham Trotter is Owen Grey
Sarah Adams is Sarah Grey

Owen: These figures don’t add up
Sarah: What do you mean, they don’t add up?
Owen: They say that we are £100 short and still owe quite abit of rent and that our bills aren’t getting paid.
(Sarah Panicking)
Sarah: Well then what we going to do about it?
Owen: We’regoing to have to take out another loan to pay the rent as the landlord saysthat he can’t wait anymore as he also has bills to pay.
(Sarah Shouts)
Sarah: No! Not another loan. The bank won’t allow it
(Owen desperatelysays)
Owen: But there’s no work in the country at the moment, soit looks like there’s no other choice
(Sarah says angrily)
Sarah: For Christ sake just sort it out or you're on your own.
(Sarah Storms outleaving Owen sitting there with his head in his hands)