Monday 11 February 2013


This is the basic script for our film opening, we kept the dialogue short as we only have about 2 minutes.

Loan Shark
Three LionsProductions

Graham Trotter is Owen Grey
Sarah Adams is Sarah Grey

Owen: These figures don’t add up
Sarah: What do you mean, they don’t add up?
Owen: They say that we are £100 short and still owe quite abit of rent and that our bills aren’t getting paid.
(Sarah Panicking)
Sarah: Well then what we going to do about it?
Owen: We’regoing to have to take out another loan to pay the rent as the landlord saysthat he can’t wait anymore as he also has bills to pay.
(Sarah Shouts)
Sarah: No! Not another loan. The bank won’t allow it
(Owen desperatelysays)
Owen: But there’s no work in the country at the moment, soit looks like there’s no other choice
(Sarah says angrily)
Sarah: For Christ sake just sort it out or you're on your own.
(Sarah Storms outleaving Owen sitting there with his head in his hands)

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