Sunday 18 November 2012

Preliminary Filming Task - How We Put it Together...

It took us a while to eventually get to the editing stage and actually complete the film, this was due to issues with the given technology, now that has been resolved, we managed to get something filmed and edited. When we were given the chance to re-film our Prelim task, not all of the group members were in that day, but luckily, a member of the other group helped and took their place. I filmed, and the other two group members were in the film acting. We had to rethink about our choice of location, and decided on using our teachers' classroom. Below is a step by step explanation of each clip we filmed:

Stage 1:

This clip was one of the easiest clips to film, it just involved a close up of Graham's shoes, showing him doing the laces up. The only problem was the background noise, which was a problem with most, if not all of the clips, but we managed to edit out the sound, and replaced it with dramatic music.

Stage 2:

In the first clip, I actually zoomed in too much, and it didn't look right, it looked too jumpy. So we did the shot again, this time I made sure that the camera was at the correct zoom so that all I had to do was to move the camera slowly upwards. We made the first few clips black and white as we thought it made the video seem a little bit more professional. 

Stage 3:

These clips show Graham sorting out his hat, the last one had to be cut out as we thought there was no point in having it in, we used the other two as we thought they were well done, and the clips matched the music, and was similar to the shots we previously filmed before they went missing.

Stage 4:

These clips show Graham walking up a stair case as part of our film. These shots were easy to film, we got the right angle, right distance from camera and it looks quite clean. They also transition into each other quite nicely, there is no jump, we did have to cut out the background noise here as there were lots of kids talking and teachers walking down the corridor, so we replaced it with the background music we found.

Stage 5:

These clips show Graham walking up to the door, and me zooming into the door handle. We had to cut down the length of the second clip as I zoomed in too late, and it was just a couple seconds zoomed in on a open door, which seemed useless to the actual film. The first clip was okay, it didn't need to be edited as much as the second one, it was a simple over the shoulder shot, easy to film.

Stage 6:

These clips show Graham entering one room, then entering another. We liked the cut from him opening the second door, to him entering the second room, as it looked quite professional and didn't need a transition. We also added a sound effect of Big Ben's chime, we lowered volume so it made it sound like it was coming from outside. This was our Match on action shot, we had to change it as we couldn't remember which shot was our match on action, so we went with this. 

Stage 7:

We made a mistake when it came to this shot, the first pan we did, we forgot that there was dialogue in this scene, and my camera skills weren't exactly good at this part of the film, so we re filmed the shot, with a smoother pan, and dialogue, once we remembered what he had to say. We also added a colour transition here, so it looked like we were looking through his eyes, his P.O.V. 

Stage 8:

These clips show Graham walking up to the chair and sitting down. We had three different shots of him sitting down, so we decided to get rid of two of them as we didn't to show him sitting down three times. We also got rid of some of the sounds, as the clanking of the chair was very loud, so we muted half of it.

Stage 9:

These clips include the rest of the dialogue, and we showed this through an over the shoulder shot. We cut the second clip as we didn't think it fitted in well with the rest of the film. We did   see if we could cut it down, but when we played it back, it didn't seem right. We decided to stick with the over the shoulder shot, rather than an over the shoulder shot and a close up.

Stage 10:

These clips show Megan and Graham passing papers to each other, the first shot wasn't great as the angle didn't allow me to be able to see the folder being passed, so I had to move slightly to the right so that the 'money' and the folder can be easily seen being passed to one another. There is another shot showing them looking at what they were given, we thought this was fitting and when we added the music, when we were editing, we could see how it matched the actual music. 

Stage 11:

These are the final clips of the film, the first shot we took of them shaking hands wasn't great, as I was too zoomed in and it was very shaky and very jumpy. So we redid the shot and this time I wasn't too zoomed in, and gradually zoomed in to the shaking hands. We made this clip black and white to match the beginning of the film, and we cut most of the ending of the clip so that it ended with the hand shaking.

We used three different types of transitions, a Cross Blur, Cross Fade, and a Colour Fade. We didn't want too many transitions as we didn't want to confuse the audience/viewers, we wanted it to be consistent and clean. We also added opening credits, naming the Director, Actors, and the Cameraman. We also credited the guy who made the music from YouTube. It was fun to make, when the technology eventually worked, and it gave me some good practice for when we make our actual film. 

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