Saturday 1 December 2012

Preliminary Filming Task - The Three Main Shots...

Our preliminary task is to show off our filming, editing and acting skills and is a good practice run before we start our main task. We were asked to shoot three main shots these are; Match on Action, Shot/Reverse Shot, and The 180 Degree Rule.

  • Match on Action - A cut between two shots of the same action from different positions, giving an impression of seamless simultaneity. Our example is when Graham is walking through the door from  one angle, it cuts to show him walking through the door on the other side of it.
  • Shot/Reverse Shot - Two successive shots from an equal and opposite angles, typically of two characters during a conversation. Our example in our video is the two over the shoulder shots of Graham and Megan when they were talking to each other.
  • The 180 Degree Rule - This states that the camera can be in any position as long as it remains on one side of the action. If not it becomes a reverse shot. Our example is when I panned at the end of the video I kept to one side of the action. 

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