Sunday 10 February 2013

Evaluation Questions - Preliminary Task...

3. How did your research into film openings and genres help you?
Research into film openings helped us realise how much goes into a 2 minute opening. It also helped us understand how different shots are used within different genres, for example within action films, there will generally be more camera movements such as panning & using a crane, in comparison to a romantic comedy, with has slightly more camera shots such as close ups to see the characters emotions. This helped us decide what genre we wanted focus on, and helped us picture what it would look like, and how we were going to plan and film it.

4. Who are your target audience and why?
We decided to do something within the genre of Action. Therefore we did research into the typical audience of action/thriller movies. We found that males where the typical gender which action/thriller movies appeal to, we also found that the age range was between 14 years to 24 years. We then decided to go with this as our basis for our target audience.

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